About KM Seethi
K M Seethi is ICSSR Senior Fellow and Director, Inter University Centre for Social Science Research and Extension, MG University. He also serves as Member of the Appellete Authority (Ombudsman), MGNREGS, Govt of Kerala. Earlier, he served as Dean of Social Sciences and Senior Professor and Director of School of International Relations and Politics, Director of Research, and Coordinator KPS Menon Chair for Diplomatic Studies.
Recent Book
ENDURING DILEMMA: Flashpoints in Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations
Based on a vast array of historical documents and primary sources, Enduring Dilemma: Flashpoints in Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations puts across perceptive arguments and critical analysis that will inspire both academics and policymakers.
Recent Book
ENDURING DILEMMA: Flashpoints in Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations
Based on a vast array of historical documents and primary sources, Enduring Dilemma: Flashpoints in Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations puts across perceptive arguments and critical analysis that will inspire both academics and policymakers.
The Munambam Land Dispute, Mired in Legal, Religious, and Social Complexities
This is the full text (unedited) version of the article appeared in The Wire, 11 November 2024. The Wire article is a shortened version. The dispute over Waqf land in Munambam, Kerala, has become a minefield of growing tensions, especially as the state gears up for three crucial by-elections. The competing campaigns of Kerala’s major political fronts—LDF, UDF, and the NDA—have intensified efforts to mobilize public opinion, each seeking to capitalize on the issue for political gain. At its core, this conflict involves 404.76 acres of land originally endowed as [...]
August 2022
പുതിയ അക്ഷാംശങ്ങൾ തേടുന്ന ഇന്ത്യയുടെ വിദേശനയം
പുതിയ ആർക്ടിക് നയവും, അന്റാര്ട്ടിക്ക നിയമവും ആവിഷ്കരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു ഇന്ത്യ ലോക ഭൗമ ഭൂപടത്തിൽ [...]
May 2022
The Myth of late Wisdom
Let’s all hang our heads in shame. It is nothing [...]
March 2022
Making “science kinder”
“There is no problem in science that can be solved [...]