Let’s all hang our heads in shame. It is nothing short of an abhorrent and disgusting defence of a Muslim religious leader, of the disparaging act by another Muslim leader—against all principles of gender justice, equality and constitutionality of women’s rights and dignity. It is much more than adding insult to injury. A Muslim girl being invited to the stage ‘decorated’ with such semi-articulate Islamic ‘pundits’ and then pushed her down with scornful public remarks have already triggered waves of protests and angst, in Kerala and elsewhere. Yet, these so-called Muslim leaders have no pangs of conscience. Plausibly, they cannot understand the intensity of such public ire; rather they indulge in complacency, giving an impression that this is what Islam is all about. If this is their understanding of Islam, they cannot boast of being ‘secular’ 24×7 without a gender-sensitive mindset.

The leader of the Muslim organisation now says that they cannot allow women on the public stage to share a platform with men!

How are they different from the Taliban? The latest edict from the Taliban regime says that men and women are not permitted to dine together in family restaurants. Earlier, new rules were imposed on women with dress codes and public appearances. This trend is gaining currency with perilous implications for a state like Kerala. Muslim organisations—of Sunnis, Mujahids, and Jamaat-i-Islami, and militant outfits like Popular Front—have their own branding of women and their difference is only in degree on the question of women.
One wonders, what all they think of a lady doctor doing surgery on a male from this conservative Muslim group? Can they also digest a situation when 9 women ministers sit together with other male ministers in the UAE cabinet, the Eldorado of many of these conservative Muslims in the Gulf?

Many political parties are in a frenzied mood for a generation change—replacing old people with young and energetic ones. But this can hardly happen in religious organisations and spiritual abodes.

It is often taken for granted that with advanced age, wisdom comes spontaneously. But we have proved that it is a myth.

When will they find a bit of a time to read BR Ambedkar on equality and dignity of human beings?