KMSeethi is Director, Inter University Centre for Social Science Research and Extension(IUCSSRE), Mahatma Gandhu University. He also serves as Member of the Appellete Authority (Ombudsman), MGNREGS, Govt of Kerala. Earlier, he served as ICSSR Senior Fellow, Dean of Social Sciences and Senior Professor and Director of School of International Relations and Politics, Director of Research, and Coordinator KPS Menon Chair for Diplomatic Studies. Besides, he had officiated as Honorary Director, KN Raj Centre , Mahatma Gandhi University.
Seethi is currently Editor of the Journal of State and Society published by IUCSSRE. He also served as the Editor of South Asian Journal of Diplomacy and the Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations and Journal of Political Economy and Fiscal Federalism. His books include, Enduring Dilemma: Flashpoints in Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations (KW Publishers), Endless Sorrows (IUCSSRE/DPP), Engaging Beyond Borders (GSC), The Arab World: Beyond and Beneath the Arab Spring ( GSC), Development Rebound: Challenges in Kerala’s Development Scenario (Raspberry), State and Civil Society under Siege (Sage), Engaging with the World: Critical Reflections on India’s Foreign Policy (Orient Longman/Orient Blackswan), Economic Empowerment and Livelihood Security (SIRP/ KPS Menon Chair), Coastal Security: Needed A New Look (SIRP/KPS Menon Chair) etc.
He has also written more than 400 research articles / features / commentaries / reviews in journals such as Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Economic and Political Weekly, Journal of Polity and Society, Eurasia Review, Millennium: Journal of International Affairs, Sri Lankan Guardian, Indian Journal of Political Science, South Asian Journal of Diplomacy, Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations, Journal of Political Economy and Fiscal Federalims, Indian Journal of Secularism, Journal of Parliamentary Affairs, Mainstream, Radical Humanist, The Hindu, The Times of India, The Economic Times, Indian Express, The New Indian Express, Deccan Chronicle, The Week, Open and online journals such as the ‘Policy Circle,’ ‘Global South Colloquy,’ ‘The Diplomat’, ‘Countercurrents’, ‘Global Research,’ ‘Madras Courier,’ et al.
KMSeethi is ICSSR Senior Fellow and Director, Inter University Centre for Social Science Research and Extension, MG University. Earlier, he served as Dean of Social Sciences and Professor and Director of School of International Relations and Politics, Director of Research, and Coordinator KPS Menon Chair for Diplomatic Studies. Besides, he had officiated as Honorary Director, KN Raj Centre , Mahatma Gandhi University.
Seethi was the Editor of South Asian Journal of Diplomacy and the Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations. He also served as Editor, Journal of Political Economy and Fiscal Federalism. His books include, Enduring Dilemma: Flashpoints in Kashmir and India-Pakistan Relations (KW Publishers), Endless Sorrows (IUCSSRE/DPP), Engaging Beyond Borders (GSC), The Arab World: Beyond and Beneath the Arab Spring ( GSC), Development Rebound: Challenges in Kerala’s Development Scenario (Raspberry), State and Civil Society under Siege (Sage), Engaging with the World: Critical Reflections on India’s Foreign Policy (Orient Longman/Orient Blackswan), Economic Empowerment and Livelihood Security (SIRP/ KPS Menon Chair), Coastal Security: Needed A New Look (SIRP/KPS Menon Chair) etc.
He has also written more than 350 research articles / features / commentaries / reviews in journals such as Economic and Political Weekly, Eurasia Review, Millennium: Journal of International Affairs, Sri Lankan Guardian, Indian Journal of Political Science, South Asian Journal of Diplomacy, Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations, Indian Journal of Secularism, Journal of Parliamentary Affairs, Mainstream, Radical Humanist, The Hindu, The Times of India, The Economic Times, Indian Express, The New Indian Express, Deccan Chronicle, The Week, Open and online journals such as the ‘Policy Circle,’ ‘Global South Colloquy,’ ‘The Diplomat’, ‘Countercurrents’, ‘Global Research,’ ‘Madras Courier,’ ‘Keralamonitor’ et al.